A Personal Trainer Can Help With Disasters of Resolution Failures in 5 Simple Ways…

It’s almost the end of the year, so within the next couple of weeks most of us will be making our resolutions for next year. Even as a personal trainer and health coach I make them too!

personal training can help you reach your new year's goals
making personal goals with a coach

As of this month I’ve been coaching for seven years. 

At the studios, the studios are usually packed every January first with people with New Year’s resolutions. Then, by the middle to the end of January the studio dies down to back to normal numbers with a few new faces continuing on, but lots gone. 

What happens during those first 2 or 3 weeks of January?

Why is it so hard to stick to our New Year’s resolutions especially with fitness?

It is estimated that over 95% of us fail at our New Year’s resolutions. By fail I mean, failing = giving up. 

Here are the top 5 reasons why we fail at our fitness resolutions.

1. Overwhelm: we overload ourselves with too many resolutions. We have fitness goals, nutrition goals, financial goals, relationship goals, we have goals for our spouse and even for our kids. We simply can’t handle that many serious goals.

Studies show that when we try to take on more than one life-changing goal at a time our success rate is near nil. We simply don’t have the necessary will power and energy to focus on more than one at a time.

Fortunately, willpower is like a muscle, it gets stronger as we use it But it also is finite. Overload it and you’ll run out too fast as well. 

Solution: simplify and commit to one big goal. Once that goal becomes a habit and it doesn’t take so much energy and will power to complete, then you can start working on a different resolution.

2. Lack of a plan: When one creates a resolution without a plan they lack direction and step to get there. Just like those with fitness goals going into a gym for their first time; walking around not knowing what to do next. There was no order or direction to their workout. The workout was purely left to chance.

The cardio deck, however, is always packed. This happens for a couple of reasons. One, it’s the default form of exercise especially for those that don’t feel comfortable lifting weights. And, I get it. It’s a lot easier figuring out how to set up the treadmill than designing a strength training workout and figuring out lifting technique.

And, reason number two, many people still falsely believe cardio to be the best form of exercise for fat loss despite dozens of studies pointing out how ineffective it is and that it is often counterproductive (people can actually get fatter from doing cardio). I see this in the studios a lot when women who have worked out for months complain that their body hasn’t changed even though they are working out so hard doing all these cardio classes. 

Solution: hire a trainer to set you up on a program, or at the worst find a program online that targets the same goal you have and then watch some YouTube videos to learn technique.

3. Unrealistic expectations: We live in an extremely fast paced world. We can cue up any movie or TV show and watch it at any time. We can literally order anything in the world and have it shipped to us “next day “. We’re impatient, we want our perfect body and we want it yesterday.

Setting unrealistic goals is a dead end road. Instead of a goal being motivating, the goal becomes demoralizing and shame full. Week in and week out we beat ourselves up because we’re not hitting our numbers. So, of course, after a few weeks of that we’re gonna throw in the towel.

Solution: Hire a trainer. With their experience they can guide you to realistic expectations. Also, when setting a goal ask yourself how confident are you that you can accomplish it. If you’re not 90-100% confident that you can do it then modify it to the point that you are at least 90% confident.

Another part of being realistic is to expect plateaus. Nobody gets consistent progress week in and week out. There will be setbacks. Accept this fact and the road accomplishing your new year’s resolution will be a lot more enjoyable.

4. Skipping the goal setting process: “If you fail to plan, plan to fail.”

When talking to my clients about goals we talk about 3 types of goals: outcome goals, behavioral goals and purpose goals. When we first meet we will talk about these three types of goals. 

At bare minimum you need to decide “what” it is that you’re trying to accomplish and then commit it to paper.

A goal gives you direction and writing it down helps hold you accountable while motivating you at the same time.

“An arrow without a target always hits its mark.” If you have vague goals your results will be vague as well.

So.. get super specific with your goals and review them daily.

Solution: carve out 20 minutes to visualize your goals and commit them in detail to paper. Then, review them daily. Remember to keep them simple and break them down #1 and #2 from above. 

5. No accountability: Personal accountability is an oxymoron. By definition, you can not hold yourself accountable. There has to be a second person involved, a second person to which you report. Otherwise, it’s human nature to slack.

Accountability is the number one thing new clients ask me to do for them. It is usually why they hire me as their trainer or coach. 

They want me to make sure they make it to their workouts and follow through with their nutrition goals.

Even without a trainer, studies have shown that just having a workout buddy can make a positive difference on consistency with your fitness goals.

Solution: hire a trainer to hold you accountable or at the very least find a buddy to hit the gym with and report to each other on your nutrition.

I teach my clients to make things effortless. Then they don’t have to think about winning, it is already set up for them. So for you, almost all of these five mistakes can be resolved by enlisting the help of a trainer or coach.

I believe this is a life lesson that crosses over to all aspects of life.

If you want to improve your golf swing, hire a golf pro.

If you want to get out of debt and prepare for retirement, hire a financial planner.

If you want to start a new business, hire a business coach.

The point is you don’t have to recreate the wheel with your fitness. An experienced trainer has “been there, done that” and they can get you to your goal in the shortest time possible.

Speaking of hiring a personal trainer or coach, I’d love to be yours. 

It fixes all of the above mistakes and you’ll create the lifestyle that you envision for a healthy, happy life. 

You will get world class training, nutrition coaching and accountability. And right now, I am offering a discounted rate going into the new year. 

Follow this link to learn more. But hurry because my training and coaching spots fill in so fast. 

Stay Fit

The Break Up with Sugar Strategies – Part 3

Let’s talk sugar strategy here… Now remember that everyone’s definition and needs are different. Why? We are all on different health paths and our readiness or behavioral change journeys are different too. So take what you feel to apply to you to help you be just one step better and work on it. 

We are talking three strategies today – food ingredients, abstaining vs moderating, and replacing. Along with some other tips to get your sugar break up started, there is something for everyone here.

First item of business, learning how to find sugar in your foods. You won’t find it on the front of a label, but you can search for it in a couple places on the back of labeled foods. Here are five tips that I use with my clients on nutrition labels:

  1. The best tip I can give is to purchase foods that come with NO ingredient labels. Can you think of any? Like fresh meats, fruits, veggies, etc. 
  2. Going along with #1, if it does have a nutrition label, try to stick to less than 5 ingredients. The number is pretty arbitrary but the principle is that the less ingredients, usually the less processed. And less processed usually means more nutrients because they haven’t been stripped away during the processing and random additives put back in. 
  3. In looking at the ingredients, if there is sugar (see the many names below), try to look for foods that do not have sugar in the top 5 ingredients. The top 5 ingredients mainly constitute the bulk of the food you are eating, so the further down, the better. 
  4. There are SO many names for sugar (see section below). Companies are getting smarter about the placement of sugar on their ingredient list. To make sugar later on the list, they are actually using more than one kind of sugar to break things up so there are two + types of sugar in your product, but all those sugars can add up to a lot. So educate yourself on the names of sugar and what you need to look for on a label. 
  5. Look at the added sugar line in the nutrition facts. If it has less that 10 grams of ADDED sugar, you are pretty good for a more whole food. 

So an apple doesn’t come with a label (good), it has less than 5 ingredients (good), and there is NO added sugar (even though they are super sweet). These are just great basic guidelines to practice in your shopping. 

Next strategy is to learn if you are an Abstainer or Moderator. This comes from the amazing book of Gretchen Ruben called The Four Tendencies. Such a great read btw and worth your time! Helped me parent and wife in a whole new way. Anyway, she talks about people who are really good at being moderators and those that find it easier to just abstain. My hubby is a total moderator. He can take one bite of cake, taste it, and say no more. Me? I have a slice. Then a second. Then a third. And the rest of the pan when I am cleaning up. Then I’m sick. It is like I don’t have a system that tells me to stop. I’m that way in a lot of other areas of my life too. So it is MUCH easier for me to say NO to everything. And it works really well once I get going. 

This can help you decide better how a sugar strategy might look for you. 

During my luteal phase of my PMDD cycle I HAVE to be a complete abstainer because my hormones mess with my ability to regulate/moderate. During the follicular phase when hormones are running my body through a wringer, I am much better at regulation and can relax a little bit, but still do try to stay in the abstainer habit. Just makes it easier for me. 

If you are a moderator, it is helpful to set your limit before you eat your sweets so you stick to that with no exceptions. I have heard that after three bites of a dessert you really don’t taste it anymore. So you could set yourself at three bites, one small slice, one cookie, etc. We actually have set some guidelines like this with our girls. I talked a little about this in part 2 of this series but we have set that we only do baking on saturday or sunday, we don’t purchase and premade sweets from the store, and we only need one serving of what we make and can share the rest. 

This has saved our house immensely. There is less pressure to eat sweets as a “snack”, less pressure to snitch sweets because there aren’t any lying around, and we are enjoying our sweets more because we are making them ourselves! The girls (I only have girls) also can have any candy they get from school, class, friends, etc. There is no pressure from us as parents there because we know that there isn’t the rest of the bag. Loved setting some guidelines on health with our girls. They were part of that discussion. We talked about fully abstaining or allowing everything and we found what would work for use as a whole. 

The next strategy is a replacement strategy. I love to use this one with my clients but it always seems to take a while to kick in because we have to remember we have options and in the middle of a craving, this can be tough. The idea is this: instead of focusing on what you can’t have, what are some things you can have without guilt and that also add nutrients to your body. 

Other ways to cut back on added sugars:

  • Sugary drinks – stick with sparkling water, Zevia soda, herbal teas, infused water (I love mango and strawberries), and pure water
  • Avoid Sauces and Condiments – stick with spices, herbs, mustard, salsa (no sugar added), vinegars, and pesto. 
  • Eat more healthy and full fat foods – there is usually more added sugar in low fat varieties of foods to help it taste good. Also healthy and full fat foods make you feel full. 
  • Avoid any processed foods – you can be an unhealthy healthy – stick to as whole foods as possible
  • Watch your breakfast – one of the sweetest meals of the day – start your day with a good protein and fat filled meal – eggs and ham, protein oatmeal, etc
  • Add your own sugar – purchase unsweetened and then add your own sweetener in like stevia or erythritol.
  • Don’t keep sugar in the house
  • Don’t shop when you are hungry
  • Get enough sleep
  • Destress! 

In conclusion, I hope that this series has been helpful for your awareness and desire to take bits and pieces and apply them to your life to be healthier. It isn’t about perfection, it is about small little steps over time to create a lasting lifestyle. 

Below are the many names of sugar. I am sure this list probably isn’t all of them since new products are coming on the market, but it is great to be aware of the names when you are shopping. 

The Most Common Names for Sugar

(Excluding artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes)

‍Basic Simple Sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides):

  • Dextrose
  • Fructose
  • Galactose
  • Glucose
  • Lactose
  • Maltose
  • Sucrose

Solid or Granulated Sugars:

  • Beet sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Cane juice crystals
  • Cane sugar
  • Castor sugar
  • Coconut sugar
  • Confectioner’s sugar (aka, powdered sugar)
  • Corn syrup solids
  • Crystalline fructose
  • Date sugar
  • Demerara sugar
  • Dextrin
  • Diastatic malt
  • Ethyl maltol
  • Florida crystals
  • Golden sugar
  • Glucose syrup solids
  • Grape sugar
  • Icing sugar
  • Maltodextrin
  • Muscovado sugar
  • Panela sugar
  • Raw sugar
  • Sugar (granulated or table)
  • Sucanat
  • Turbinado sugar
  • Yellow sugar

Liquid or Syrup Sugars:

  • Agave Nectar/Syrup
  • Barley malt
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Buttered sugar/buttercream
  • Caramel
  • Carob syrup
  • Corn syrup
  • Evaporated cane juice
  • Fruit juice
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Golden syrup
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
  • Honey
  • Invert sugar
  • Malt syrup
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Rice syrup
  • Refiner’s syrup
  • Sorghum syrup
  • Treacle

The Break Up with Sugar Part 2

After posting the last post, I was surprised and happy to hear how this resonated with so many of you. Breaking up with sugar was something you have either thought about or are putting into practice. I did, however, get some questions that I would like to answer in this post, the second in the Breakup with Sugar Series. 

Photo by FOODISM360 on Unsplash

First question I had gotten. What do you define as sugar?

I think how this “breakup” can be defined is mainly left up to who is choosing how to break up. It could be a break up where you go pretty much “KETO” eating only proteins and fats with minimal veggies and fruits. Or it could go to only candy and the “breakup” isn’t necessarily about ALL sugars. As your coach I would ask you how you want that to look like for you right now. What can you leave out that won’t “rock your world” or make you feel “deprived” because if you feel that way, your choice isn’t a lifestyle you can sustain.

Sugars are found in pretty much everything we eat. Not only are we bombarded with sweets (cookies, cakes, candy, sodas, chocolates, ice creams, etc) but then there are ADDED sugars in SO many items in the grocery store (like 99% of grocery items). But there are also natural sugars found in anything with a carbohydrate – from breads to fruits to even veggies because carbohydrates are essentially sugars. 

However, our bodies use different kinds of sugars in different ways. So they may all be calories (another word for energy) but the different sugars will leave different results. An oreo is going to affect your body differently than a pear. 

Sugar from the Oxford Dictionary is defined as:


  1. a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink.

Our bodies are GEARED for sugar – it was a mechanism for survival before the years and technological advancements in food. But with these advancements, we aren’t in life threatening danger anymore. In fact, humans eat about 700 more calories a day than they did 60 years ago. But also our obesity rate has risen exponentially during that same time. Why? Because of what we are choosing to put in our bodies. Yes, you are in charge. 

Why do we love sugar so much outside of survival? 

  • It makes food taste good – most processed foods HAVE to add in sugar (and salt/sodium) to make the food they processed taste good to our pallet
  • It is quick energy
  • It is a coping mechanism due to its chemical reaction to our brains = it gives us comfort when in distress
  • It is everywhere and inexpensive

There are simple and complex carbs/sugars…. Those that hit your bloodstream really fast and those that hit it slower. When sugars hit hard and fast, your blood sugar rises quickly, you get a severe dopamine hit to the pleasure center of the brain, insulin is released to cope and then everything drops steeply to levels below where you started, leaving you low energy, depressed, and not satisfied. When you eat a complex carb the spike and hits are less steep and so is the drop. You also tend to stay heightened for longer before your blood sugar drops. Essentially it takes your body longer to digest the complex carbs. 

Coming back to my breakup, I have chosen to define sugar as – all “junk foods or calorie condensed foods in the sweet categories” and as much added sugars as possible are out. With the exception (because moderation in all things) of when my girls bake on the weekend, I can have one serving if I desire. 

Your choice of breakup may look different and that’s okay. I picked these guidelines for a couple of reasons, both personally and scientifically… When your diet consists of too many sugars, testosterone (a hormone) rises and can cause weight gain, hair loss or growth in unwanted areas, and anxiety. Estrogen also rises and progesterone (also hormones) can drop which is called Estrogen dominance and can lead to infertility, PMS symptoms, breast tenderness and irritability. Over time the amount of insulin and sugar pulsing through your veins trying to level eachother out gets exhausted and in excess and can cause massive inflammation – which ALL chronic diseases (arthritis, cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, mood disorders, etc) are caused by inflammation. 

With PMDD I have found that because I am SO sensitive to normal hormonal changes even a small amount of sugar effects will derail my body and mental health for a long time. If I eat, let’s say, a bowl of ice cream (because who ever eats just a scoop), not only will I have a massive headache, but angry digestive issues from stomach all through the intestines from inflammation and I will also get really foggy in my thinking, less emotionally regulated, and I tend to slip into negative thought patterns really fast. If I have too much sugar (which usually happens if I start with one piece, I eat a lot more) my limbs will even buzz with almost a jittery feeling. I sleep awful and can have body dysmorphia too. 

And these things all can happen within an hour of a dessert that has too much for my body. And effects can be lasting long after the sugar rush dies down. 

If I were to eat simple sugars/carbs during my luteal phase (the week before my period) my PMDD and sugar buzz are the perfect storm to crash my ship into a million pieces and my PMDD symptoms can be severe and life threatening. 

What is so crazy and may be scientific or psychological, but it is truly real for me, I do not get these effects from complex carbs – berries, rice, sweet potatoes, whole grains, veggies, other fruits. So I truly do agree with the studies saying different sugars can affect our bodies differently. 

I feel good when I eat right for MY body’s needs today. Period.

So as much as possible, I am saying “nope” to them. However, I mentioned my girls baking. I think that life still needs to be full of memories and making good ones can get us through the bad days. We have decided as a family that if we are going to have sweets, it needs to be something we make from scratch and with love.

***TIP: When coaching my nutrition clients we talk about how if you are going to eat something sweetened – whether that’s yogurt or pasta sauce or cake – it is ALWAYS better to add your own sugar than let a company add it for you. #1 you are in control #2 you can decide what that sweetener is – you could add honey instead of table sugar #3 you know what is going into your food.

In my next post I am going to talk about how to look for sugars (education) and ways to change your food choices (application). 

As with all things, we are creating an awareness through these posts and not rigid rules. Once you create awareness, you will be able to look clearly at your food choices and start to gain questions and curiosity on what your body needs. As with all my clients, take what rings true to you and what sparks the “I need to add that in/take that out” promptings and use them to better your life. One little step at a time. It is a process as always. 

A way you can do that is to make a list of foods that you eat that make you feel good when you eat them… truly energized and content, and food that make you feel guilty or “buzzed” for lack of a better word. I think we all know what those are for us when we are honest. Just keeping a postit note on the fridge and jotting something down after you eat it can help too.

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Break Up with Sugar – Part 1

Sugar and I had a good go, but it is time to break up. The more I study about it, the more I just can’t have it as a part of my life. I’m going to have to get my joy ride from something else. For 2021 (and I can’t believe I am saying this out loud and on paper FOR-EV-ER in the clouds) that I am going to try my darndest to go the whole year without it. And, from what I’ve studied, it may take up to 5 years, FIVE, to get the cravings to go away. Sheesh… I’m in it for the long haul. But it is imperative that we breakup.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Not convinced you are ready to say goodbye to your best friend who always has your back, even though you know that they aren’t doing you good? I get that. It is a sneaky one and an addicting one as well. but being open to this idea may help you create some awareness around your body and diet and you may be able to start some simple changes to help your health. 

Here are just some of the main ways sugar affects your body. Definitely a big list and seriously not even the tip of the iceberg….

  • First off, sugar messes with your energy regulation. No one needs energy drops. Eating sugar alone can be an issue too so pair it with a protein and small amount of healthy fat to sustain and regulate energy better. 
  • Sugar can mess with your brain’s ability to regulate. When you eat sugar, you can get the same rush of endorphins that can be equal or even greater than a hit of cocaine to the pleasure center of the brain. And next time, in order to get the same degree of rush, you must eat more sugar. If you are an emotional eater, this could cause a problem with consuming sweets to “feel better.” 
  • Studies are showing that too much sugar leads to higher depression in adults. One of the main thoughts on this is that sugar can give you a burst of energy, but when that energy runs through your body, you body may drop to an even lower state of mood and energy than before. So think twice about hitting up for that mid-afternoon slump. Witching hour anyone? But also sugar decreases and interferes neurotransmitter effectiveness in your brain due to… you guessed it, inflammation of the brain on sugar.
  • We all know that sugar can rot your gorgeous smile, even if you brush your teeth, your saliva can hold more sugary goodness long after you eat it.
  • Did you know that sugar can also cause joint aches and pains? Yep. Sugar is an inflammatory, dare I say, DRUG. With that inflammation your joints cannot work in full range of motion and you are more likely to cause injury to them. Too much sugar over time is also linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Yikes!
  • Inflammation just doesn’t happen in your joints, it can also happen on your skin… hello acne AND wrinkles! We definitely don’t wait to age faster for any reason but that is what sugar is going to do to your skin due to the loss of elasticity because of how sugar reacts with the collagen in your skin. You will get acne because the inflammation causes the fatty layer of your skin to produce more oil and your pores cannot keep up so they get clogged. 
  • When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect the arteries all over your body. It causes their walls to get inflamed (another inflammatory response), grow thicker than normal and more stiff, this stresses your heart and damages it over time. This can lead to heart disease, like heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes.
  • When you eat, your pancreas pumps out insulin to help your blood sugar levels regulate. If you’re eating too much sugar, your body stops responding properly to insulin and regulations. It is on overload. So then your pancreas starts pumping out even more insulin. Eventually, your overworked pancreas will break down and your blood sugar levels will rise, setting you up for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Or even milder symptoms such as bad sleep and heart palpitations… which as a mom, sleep if everything for me!
  • Added and refined sugars in your diet can increase your risk of cancer. Cancer FEEDS on sugar and so does estrogen which can be instrumental in breast cancer is levels get too high or the hormone mutates. 
  • And it can cause weight gain due to the inflammation stress that happens to your body with increased blood sugar levels. Soda is the biggest offender here because of its concentrated and liquid sugar content.
  • AND (maybe the most important lol) it can seriously decrease your sex drive because your blood flow isn’t working properly due to the chemicals and sugar fighting throughout your body. I don’t think we need ANY of that going on. 

For me, having PMDD, eating sugar really messes with my hormone balance and therefore my mood and body image. The times when I have eaten a sugary diet (around the holidays for example or even a “craving week”), my anxiety and disruptive thoughts skyrocket. I don’t necessarily know the science of why but I can only guess that inflammation has a major part in this change. I feel crappy and therefore I act crappy. Super sciency words right there! 

I hate that I don’t sleep well when sugar is a main part of my diet and I feel like I can’t be a good teacher and coach being sluggish. Everything is so connected in my body (and yours) that removing sugar is going to help in SO many areas as I talked about above. 

Check out my next post on ways to limit sugar and a further post on some other ideas about sugar. In the meantime, you can watch this video that was produced a while ago, but still so pertinent to the breakup with sugar…

Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM&t=69s&ab_channel=UniversityofCaliforniaTelevision%28UCTV%29

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Proper Warm Up Techniques and Ideas

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Just as much as any other aspect of training, your warmup should be top priority. Yeah, yeah. I know, it is such a nuisance when you are just rearing to go with anticipation and pre-workout 🙂 But there are potential benefits you will be missing and run the risk of serious injury which may prevent you from working out anyway. 

Let’s talk about the benefits of choosing a good warmup, the downfalls if you don’t warm up at all, and then look at different ideas you can implement into your workouts. 

Here are some benefits of a warmup – 

  • Warming up prepares your heart, lungs, and muscles for the more strenuous focus of your workout.
  • Activates your heating and cooling systems which is really important during aerobic activity. 
  • Blood temperature rises and as blood travels through your muscles, your body makes oxygen more available to the working muscles which will help endurance. 
  • Blood vessels dilate and this increases blood flow and oxygen flow. Again, helping with endurance and keeping stress away from the heart. 
  • Hormones also change when you warmup. Cortisol and epinephrine production increase. They are in charge of regulating energy production. 
  • Muscles get warm and allow for more deep and forceful contraction and a faster release and relax.
  • Range of motion increases in your joints – warming up helps lubricate the joints to help the move smoothly
  • Mental clearing of the mind, focusing and reviewing form and technique. 

Downfalls of missing a warmup

  • You may feel slow and have less power at the start of your warmup because you have to try to get your muscle warm and focused in
  • You run the risk of injury to joints and muscles without proper warming up – tears, sprains, tweaks, whatever you may call them are more likely to happen because the joints and muscles aren’t flexible and engaged for work. 

Ideas and Tips for Proper Warmups

  • The general guidelines from the AMA state that a warmup should be between 5-10 mins. 
  • Tailor your warmup to your workout – if you are running, do a slow jog or speed walk. If you are doing a leg day, air squats and lunges. You want to have this be a gradual step to the main push of your workout.
  • Loosen the joints with small movements in preparation for range of motion movements such as yoga and lifting
  • Don’t static stretch! – This means that you don’t hold the pull in one position. This actually increases your risk for injury. 
  • DO dynamic stretching – hip swings, big arm circles, pelvic tilts, toe touches, etc.

For my lifting clients,we focus more on functional stretching – I suggest doing each move on their workout using no weights for about 10 reps each. Keeping the range of motion smaller than their “best”. And then after this a short series of dynamic stretches. 

For cardio clients, we do more dynamic stretching first and then a little run/jog to finish up. 

Mainly, we want you to connect your body and mind together to decrease injuries and increase power and progress. Warmups won’t look the same for different kinds of workouts and different personalities too so think about what you would like to do and what your workout will require of you and move from there. 

Overall – Don’t skip it!

*** For those training with me, after our initial weight in and reconnect, we usually don’t have a lot of time to do an hour workout. Therefore, I ask that you each warmup before you come to the studio… or you may have a shortened workout since we will be focusing more on making sure we are warming up properly.  Thanks for understanding this. In any other gym, you would come 10-15 mins early to do your warmup before you met with your trainer. If you want to do it like this, let’s set that up or just do it before you come ***

Workout Recovery and Overtraining

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Rest and recovery is essential to any training program, especially if you want to train long-term and sustainable growth. From personal experience doing the wrong thing, I think it is more important than training itself. We only workout for a small portion of our days and if we are giving everything we have to that workout we will have nothing left. 

While training is good for your body, the more intense you train the more intensely you need to schedule rest. If you don’t schedule rest, you could stall in your progress, deplete nutrients faster, and sustain injuries. 

It is easy to get caught up in the muscle gains and weight losses and start to train for hours and hours without rest. Kind of leading to an obsession (although you may not realize it or call it that). 

This happened to me this year. I was teaching and training 3-4 hours a day – I couldn’t gain muscle or lose weight so I worked out harder because I had gotten caught in the momentum of training for results. After 3 months of this I experienced great adrenal fatigue. I could barely get out of bed and was forced to stop training at all. My hormones were greatly imbalanced and took over a month for me to even get back to the gym. Even now I have to take it easy and am lifting little volume compared to what I was doing in the spring. 

Here are some of my rest and recovery tips to replenish your body and give you the ability to sustain your training and your life. 

Plan it Out!

  • Every 3-5 weeks plan a rest week – half the reps and half the weight used for big lifts. 
  • Delayed onset muscle soreness—DOMS, for short—is a common sensation felt after lifting weights. Most trainees actually base the success or effectiveness of their training sessions on how sore they get; however, this is not a good way to think about your progress. Typically, DOMS is characterized by muscle tenderness, stiffness, and reduced joint range of motion, muscle flexibility and force production, about 24 hours after your training session. Compensating for muscle fiber damage and returning to the gym prematurely will increase your risk for injury.
  • Ensure you have 24-72 hours rest between intense training sessions involving the same musculature. Less rest is needed between sub-maximal training sessions.


  • It has been shown that lack of adequate sleep can decrease the tolerance to training, throw off hormone balance, alter mood, increase perception of fatigue and negatively affect the physiological mechanisms responsible for adaptation from the stresses of training. Hormonal secretion during sleep is one of the most important factors influencing recovery; after all, the purpose of sleep is to induce a state of recovery in the body. Anabolic (muscle-building) hormone concentrations and activity increase during sleep while catabolic (muscle-wasting) hormone concentrations and activity decrease. Disrupted or shortened sleep will negatively influence the effects of these anabolic hormones.
  • Try to develop a regular sleeping routine where you go to bed at a similar time each night of the week. Remove distractions like light, smartphones, and TVs. If possible, try for 8 hours of sleep per night and/or fit in an afternoon power nap for 30 minutes to rejuvenate the body.


  • Dehydration can reduce performance potential, but also delay the recovery process. Exercise and an increased metabolic rate both increase the body’s need for water and electrolytes. So water just isn’t enough. 
  • If you are sweating, you are losing not just H2O but magnesium, sodium, and potassium. If you are just drinking water thinking this will do it, you are also just washing out and depleting those micronutrients more. For excessive workouts (intensity and/or longer than 40 minutes), workouts in the heat, or the like, add in an electrolyte. BUT watch those packets for added sugars and make sure they have sodium, potassium, and magnesium… not just one of them. 
  • Also, shoot for ½ the ounces of weight in pounds you are. So if I weighed 150lbs I would need at least 75 ounces for a normal day. Add in 8 ounces for every 30-60 minutes of activity too depending on the intensity level. 


  • Recovery is a time where proper nutrition is essential. Protein sources are required to rebuild muscle tissue and to supply the building blocks for various cells, tissues, enzymes, and hormones. Depending on how often you train during the week, protein recommendations can range from .08 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.
  • Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are muscles’ major source of energy; therefore, eating carbohydrates is essential at refueling your body’s glycogen stores. Your body refuels glycogen at a higher rate within 3.0 to 60 minutes post workout so it’s important to consume a post workout snack or shake during this time. It has also been shown that including a small amount of protein in this snack speeds up the rebuilding and recovery process.
  • Eat a post workout snack that contains roughly 50 grams of carbohydrates and 30 grams of protein. A well-balanced meal should be consumed roughly 2 hours post workout to continue the recovery process.
  • A great and easy way to do this is to make a protein shake using the rule of 5:
    • Protein Shake
      • Ingredients (one serving)- Follow the Rule of 5
        • 1c. Liquid (almond milk, low fat milk, coconut milk)
        • Handful Greens (spinach or kale – I love frozen chopped spinach)
        • 1c. Fiber (Berries, cherries, banana, apple, tropical fruits, canned pumpkin, etc)
        • 20-30g/one scoop Protein (plant or whey based – look for one with 10g or less of carbs per serving)
        • 1 TBSP Healthy Fat (Chia seeds, flax seeds, nut butters, avocado)
      • Directions
        • Blend over ice and enjoy.
      • Extras
        • I love to make two or three of these for a day. I will just put in extra ice when I blend them, and then take them in a cooler bag for after workout and usually my lunch. This is a complete meal and is fun to play around with. 
        • Sometimes I will add almond, pumpkin spice, vanilla, or coconut extract. I love to add cinnamon or even some stevia drops to change up flavors


  • Massage from a therapist or self-massage AKA self myofascial release (SMR) with foam rollers, massage sticks and even baseballs can reduce muscle stiffness, promote circulation and induce a state of relaxation in the muscle. It might be painful during, but SMR can be performed the night of a hard workout to remove scar tissue, adhesions in the muscle and restrictions in the fascia (a type of connective tissue that wraps around the whole body).
  • Gently roll a baseball or massage stick over all major muscle groups until you find a sensitive spot. Apply direct pressure until the pain dissipates. Roll over the muscle again and repeat if necessary. Even if massage doesn’t speed up recovery, it might make you feel better compared to not getting massaged in the first place.


There is a fine line between overtraining and a healthy lifestyle. Many (especially women who have an innate desire to feel confident and beautiful) have no clue how much they actually are overtraining. 

You can overtrain by hitting it too hard in the gym as a beginner. Don’t ever think that the inability to sit on the toilet because you’re sore is a good thing. No go hard or go home mentality here. You can also over train by training too long, too heavy, and too often. 

Symptoms of overtraining are mainly in three categories: performance, physiological, and psychological

  • Performance
    • Decreasing in stats
    • Early onset of fatigue during workouts
    • Slowed or delayed recovery
    • Not scheduling rest
    • Not able to lose weight even with extended workout sessions or even gaining in spite of being spot on in nutrition
  • Physiological
    • Feeling sore for extended periods of time
    • Increase in injuries
    • Always getting or feeling sick
    • Increase in Resting Heart Rate
    • Feeling low energy and fatigue all the time
    • Not sleeping well
  • Psychological 
    • Impatient
    • Irritable
    • Mood swings
    • Large dips in motivation, enthusiasm, and drive
    • Difficulty concentrating

Tips to help overtraining and balance your hormones better – decrease your lifting days, switch up your workout routines, decrease the amount of time in the gym, get more sleep, and make sure you are getting the correct micronutrients. 

#26 – Movement

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Our bodies are the instruments of our spirits and we cannot be without them. This week we look at movement and how we can add more into our days to create a higher calorie burn but also to help us have a more fulfilling life. Can’t wait to share with you!

After you listen, leave us some feedback right below here in our show notes! We’d love to start a conversation. Also, you can sign up for a free mini session… those sign ups are in the link below!

#25 – Fats

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Something we once thought was the reason we were seeing obesity was actually convicted wrong! Fats are extremely important for our growth, hormone balance and creation, and to get other nutrients to absorb when we eat them. We need fats and thankfully we love them too! Come listen and learn about what fats are, why they are important, how much you need and from what sources, and how the vision of fats has changed over the past 40 years.

After you listen, leave us some feedback right below here in our show notes! We’d love to start a conversation. Also, I mentioned in the podcast about a free mini session… those sign ups are in the link below!

#24 – Urges + Cravings

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In the podcast today we are talking all about urges and cravings. What does it take to make a craving and answer a craving – the science of our brains is amazing. We also chat about tools we can use to rewire our brains to answer our cravings differently using the PAZ technique.

After you listen, leave us some feedback right below here in our show notes! We’d love to start a conversation. Also, I mentioned in the podcast about a free mini session… those sign ups are in the link below!

#21 – Protein

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As we learn more about nutrition, we are discovering that the way to build muscle and stay fuller longer is by protein.  Proteins have amino acids which in turn, pair with our body’s amino acids to make proteins – proteins for growth, energy, tissue repair, etc. But mainly? Muscle!

Learn about protein with me and why ultimately it is important as I coach my clients to reach goals in their fitness and nutrition.

After you listen, leave us some feedback right below here in our show notes! We’d love to start a conversation. Also, I mentioned in the podcast about a free mini session… those sign ups are in the link below!